Monday, September 28, 2009

I hate being sick.

I'm sick again. I just spent the entire Sunday in bed, wishing I wasn't. Being sick is one of the most awful things. But do you know what's worse? The Redskins losing to the Lions, effectively ending the Lions' 19-game losing streak, and cementing the Redskins role as those guys that lost to one of the worst teams in the history of football. I can't believe it. I mean, I knew the Lions had to win sometime, I just prayed that it wouldn't be us (Although, in the back of my mind, I knew it would be).
nI have always been a Redskins fan, and fortunately (and mostly unfortunately) that means I can never be accused of jumping on the bandwagon. I wish I could laugh scornfully in the face of a wannabe fan, spraying him with my righteous spittle, and say,"Ha! You whippersnapper, I was a 'Skins fan while you were jumping on the 90's Packers bandwagon, or the 00's Patriot bandwagon!" I'd really love to. The Redskins have been consistently mediocre since the last time they won the super bowl, in 1992. Sure, they've been a wild card here and there, or they had a surprising run in the postseason, but really, they haven't done much in my lifetime. Although, the joy and exhilaration after so many years of heartache would be that much sweeter. Yeah, maybe that's it! The Redskins are just pretending to be bad to lull the other teams into a false sense of security! Next year we'll show them, we'll show them ALL, HAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAA!!! Sadly, I know this to be untrue, and however much I wish for it, it ain't happenin'. Ah well, we'll get it back; all we need it a franchise quarterback. We've got all the pieces, we just need the glue...

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