Friday, October 16, 2009


Well, it finally hit me. I am definitely not in Kansas anymore. A couple days ago, I finally realized that I am actually ON MY OWN.
Here's how it went down. I had to buy a quite expensive ticket to a concert at the Kennedy center for my understanding music class (Martinu, Tchaikovsky, and Brahms; ask me about it, it was awesome), and I realized that I had no money left. Now, I've been broke at home a lot, but it was no big deal; I'd just ask my parent for a few bucks and whatever was pressing would be paid for. But here, I had $18.00 in one bank account, $19.00 in the other, no money in my wallet, no eaglebucks (unlimited meal plan), and 50 cents on my smartrip card. So even if I wanted to go to work and make some money (which I had to anyway), I wasn't taking the metro there. Unfortunately, I had to borrow some money from my glorious, awesome, superb, ridiculously good-looking roommate (for which I WILL pay him back, I promise) to get to work.

But the reality of that situation was that I am all alone, and completely responsible for myself. It was a bit scary, knowing that if my roommate wasn't so generous (and caring, solicitous, kind-hearted, and tender), I would pretty much have been out of luck. I haven't had the separation anxiety and homesickness that I have seen in a lot of people, and this was the first time I really felt completely removed from home.

1 comment:

katiekraze said...

Oh Brad, you're wonderful. We must interact more. Your great use of links has truely inspired me. Knock on my door sometime and me, you, and homegirl Anne can practice Choir music sometime. Who needs tenors and sopranos anyway? xD