Sunday, October 4, 2009


As I'm sure everyone else is blogging, the MBTI really described me in a way that I couldn't believe. I've taken other supposed personality tests, but none that actually captured me in that way.

Although, I was very confused by the career choices that the test gave me. I mean, botanist? Dancer? Geologist? Exotic animal breeder? What an odd, arbitrary grouping of livelihoods. As interesting as all these careers seem, I have never really been interested in any of them. What did disturb me, however, is that my career field, international relations, is nowhere to be found. It may be that the MBTI career list is outdated, and the (relatively) new field of international relations is missing. Be that as it may, it gave me pause to think, "Dang, the MBTI was so right about my personality, what if it's right about my career choice?" Maybe I'm in the wrong major! I was a little depressed until I realized that I can do whatever I want, and right now, IR is what I want to do. I'm a freshman. I'm young. I don't HAVE to know what I'm doing with my life. If I want to be an archaeologist later in my life, I can.

For now, though, I am more than happy to be doing what I find interesting: international relations. and being awesome.

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