Thursday, October 22, 2009


I can't believe that this is even a debatable question. Of course AU is a community. A community is simply a group of people that have something, anything, in common, whether it be living location, sports team, favorite drink, FREAKING ANYTHING. It doesn't have to be several different traits it can only be one. For example: people talk about the gay community or the black community all the time, and those two have NOTHING in common except their sexual orientation and race, respectively. I do believe that AU is a community, because everyone here has something in common (I'll give you a hint: AU). So it is a bit ridiculous to say that even though the people involved with AU are completely different and therefore do not constitute a community; although, if that's your definition of community, then that's just what you believe. I honestly have nothing more to say about this. I don't think my argument needs any further explanation; it seems quite conclusive.

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