Monday, November 16, 2009


I have to be honest, I still am not 100% sure what the purpose of this class is, but on wednesday, I came a little closer to fully understanding it. Now I know it is about the study of identity and all that jazz, but I'd have to agree with a part of my fellow blogger Miranda's post when I say that coming to terms with future insecurities seems to be a main theme of our class. We have had several different speakers, including Ambassador Quainton, that reinforced the idea that it will all be alright, you don't have to know what you want to do later. I am truly thankful to people who say this to me, because I've had so much of the opposite, especially recently, with all the worrying about my major and how all that will shake out. But seeing such an extremely successful diplomat who didn't even study diplomacy in school keeps me hopeful that even if I choose to study one thing, I can always devote my life to something completely different.
Well, maybe coming to terms with the idea that the true nature of identity is a fluid concept, as opposed to a fixed, unchanging facet of life IS the point of the class. Someone can say that they're "losing their identity", but really, you are you, no matter how much you change. You can be a waiter one day, and join the army the next day, and it all is absorbed into the enormous psyche we call our identity. I think it is important to make the distinction.

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